Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Running the Race

I recived this poem in an email today and got me thinking about the race each one of us are running!!!


Lord, You know I'm pushing onto run this race
I fix my eyes on You in everything I face
even when my feelings say it isn't so
Your Truth that beats
inside my heart won't let me go
with every step of faith,
You strengthen me
along every mile of trust,
You're remaking me'
tho a trail of tears
mark the path that I've come
until in Your arms...
I'll continue to run

Friday, January 4, 2008

Thougts from my quit time!!!!

For Christmas I received "Voices of the Faithful" Inspiring stories of courage from Christians serving around the world. It is one of those book that has a devotion for every day of the year. I wanted to share the story from yesterday. The story is from Kristee in South America.

Rain is depended upon in the jungle. Without it, wells will dry up, crops will die and the temperature will continue to rise.

I have become good at predicting the weather in the jungle. If it looks like rain, it won't rain. If it doesn't looks like rain, it will rain. When it does rain, if it last more then five minutes, it will rain for the rest of the day. If it stops before five minutes are over, it won't rain again until tomorrow.

One Sunday as I sat under the tree where we had church, my thoughts turned to the rain, or more correctly, to the absence of rain. I then realized that in the 14 months that I had lived in the jungle, no church service had ever been canceled for rain. I felt God saying to me, Of course not. You meet under a tree. You can't have church if it's raining. I've got that detail under control.

What an amazing realization! It had never occurred to me that we had good weather for church, but God had been taking care of it. I never bothered to pray about having good weather for church. Yet God already had it under control.

When I think about what that means in the rest of my life, I am almost overwhelmed. God proves daily that He is ordering my steps and planing my days. If he takes the time to plan good weather for believers in the jungle who meet under a tree, won't He be planning my life and yours as well?

That really hit home with me and my desire to go back to China. It helps remind me that God is in control. If he wants me there He will make the way and I have to wait on Him. He has it under control. It's like He is saying rest in me and let me take the lead in this.

Sorry this one was so long hope you enjoyed!!