Monday, November 26, 2007

The best gift

On Sunday I asked my first grade class to draw pictures of the best gift they have ever received was. Most of the kids had a hard time because they couldn't think of what the best one was. I thought this was iconic because while we were in China one of the boys gave I believe Meredith a rubber band and told her it was the best gift he could give. I went to church think about the same thing what was the best gift I received was as I sat there I figured it out the best gift was the ability to go to church without having to have a passport.In China we met this guy who said that in China they are as free as a bird in a cage. Yes they can have there own religion but with limits and they have to keep it to themselves!! How blessed we are. And how easy it is to take for grated going to church. This is a picture of the church we went to in China the guild couldn't walk past the door because he is a Chinese resident and only people with foreign passports could go in !!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Some Thoughts

I was holding one of the babies at the School I work at and just was thinking how blessed she was to be here and healthy. This baby from China keep coming to mind. She has cleft lip and was so tiny. I start to cry I want to do more but don't know how. I miss the kids so much. I want to do God's will not my own but all I can think about is China and wondering what I am doing here? It is hard to know if this is God talking to me or just feeling right now. Please pray that God will show me very clearly what is his planes for me.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What a team

It was truly amazing how God brought this group together as not only a team but also as friends. Being home and not seeing them everyday has been hard. I have really missed them. We have stayed in touch through emails and blogs. I did get a chance to hang out with Heather last night and had a great time. It is hard to believe that you can get so attached in just 12 days. I usually have a hard time getting attached but I guess when you spend 24 hours 7 days that would happens. I thank God for this friends!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Back in the states

The team and I have been back in town for a week. We have had many questions on how it went. Many of us are having a hard time answering that one but we all agree that it was life changing and the last week has been very hard. We all left kids that we got very closed to for me it was Chin Chin she is the one in yellow. When we first arrived at the orphanage all she did was sit and stare (in the picture below is the first day she is in orange) but when we left she was smiling. It was very hard to have to leave her but she is in the fathers hand and I know that I she will live forever in my heart!!!